Shop the Best
How to use this site: Click on a logo below to go to the company's page; click on "policy" to see the basics of their customer satisfaction or return policy. What our ratings mean
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Important notes: Policy information is taken straight from the merchant's web site, but is usually only an excerpt of the most important points. We attempt to be as accurate and up-to-date as possible, but sometimes things change faster than we can update them. Be sure to check the merchant's latest policies on their site before ordering. Also, online policies may differ from in-store policies.
Disclaimers: The ratings of individual merchants are purely based on the opinion of While some of the merchants listed are sponsors of this site, the rating process is based only on stated store customer satisfaction policies. accepts no responsibility for the performance of any listed merchant and you agree to this by using this site.
Privacy: You are not required to give us any personally identifying information to use our site. If you do give us your e-mail address to respond to comments you would like to share with us, we will not rent it or give it away.